
Working at EUCON International University is an outstanding mission opportunity!

Pacific Rim

Saipan is the closest United States territory to mainland China and is accessible to the Philippines, Korea, Taiwan, and Japan. Thousands of contract workers from China and other Pacific Rim countries reside in Saipan to
earn U.S. currency, and many parents strongly desire American-style English-language for their children.

High Regard for Education

In addition, Asian cultures value education and many Asians desire a U.S. college degree. Eucon International University provides these students a means to earn a U.S. college degree in Saipan, which is much closer to Asia.
Thus, EIU can attract students from across the Pacific Rim, introduce them to Christ, and send them back to evangelize their homelands.

Your Part

You can be a part of this vital outreach! Teaching at EIS or EIU is a unique missionary work . . . and yet teachers are fully salaried (so you don\’t need to raise financial support), instruction is in English (so you don\’t
need to learn another language), and you never leave the United States (so you don\’t need visas or passports or inoculations).

See what positions are available for you!

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